Protocol suggestion for healing the gut
Heal the gut heal the body course
General health
DHA junior (1/2 tsp in morning, 1/2 tsp at night)
Dynamic Fruits & Greens (20 servings of Fruits in vegetables to help balance diet) 1 scoop/day
~All kids can take this…helps get needed nutrients into body that we lack with the “Standard American Diet” (Aka SAD diet
Gut protocol:
Turmero (5mL, 2x/day)
Flora boost (probiotic, 1 scoop/day)
Gluta-shield (1/2 scoop/day) *powder
SBI protect (1/2 scoop/day) *powder
~Do this protocol for 6 months
(I put flora boost, glutamates-shield and SBI all in smoothy with banana, frozen strawberries and 6 oz almond milk)
Eliminate (as much as possible) Gluten/Grains, cow dairy, refined sugar, Soy
~As we heal the gut, they will be eliminating toxins properly so make sure they are hydrating well.
Essential oils are also great…we can discuss that some other time :D
And don’t forget chiropractic adjustment to balance sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous systems.
(There may be some heavy metal toxicity component to his autism…this will have to be evaluated and addressed down the road)